custom orders



If you would like a custom order, please share with us if there is a desired completion date for the piece. We will do our absolute best to make sure you get your piece on time. The typical timeframe for custom designs is 6-8 weeks. If design changes are requested after work has begun, they may require more time. If changes extend the completion time past six months, the price may be subject to adjustment due to changing costs of materials.



For custom designs, we will send you a price quote, either via email or on paper, based on customer preference. Any verbal estimates during the preliminary discussion phase are not guaranteed. All major stones $250 or above will be listed separately on the quote. The quote will be honored for 30 days from the date of the written proposal. Due to the fluctuating prices of the raw materials we use, we may change any quote that is older than 30 days. Once work has begun on a custom design, we will notify you if the quoted price needs adjusting. If you have been given an estimate by someone other than a stôn representative, please show us that estimate so we can confirm the price prior to beginning work on your piece.